Who We Are and Why

BDM Royalty Management is owned and operated by long-time music industry rights management expert Jason Belo, and Canada’s preeminent entertainment Business Management team Kenna Danyliw and Geoff Mann.

We started this company because there is a great need in the music industry by record labels, artists and music publishers, for accurate, transparent, and easy to read royalty statements. Being in a position of receiving many different kinds of statements which were hard to understand or filled with errors, we decided to do it the right way.

What We Do

BDM Royalty Management offers Rights Management solutions for your business and royalty partners. Royalty statements with online portal access and dashboard analysis on behalf of Artists, Record Labels, and Music Publishers to their creative partners ie. Featured Artists, Side-Artists, Songwriters, and Producers. Back-office royalty administration with front line customer service.

Contact Us

Jason Belo
Phone: 905-639-9282